
Type of Announcement
Title Date
Comment on press article - Reply to a query by HCMC
Announcement Increase of the Share Capital and simultaneous Reduction of the Share Capital via an equivalent Capital Return in cash to shareholders
Modification of Capital Return Calendar
Announcement of Decisions of the EGM -Return of Capital.
Announcement - Issuance of a common secured bond loan
Announcement of business development-Completion of the HELECTOR Transaction (Financial Closing)
Announcement According to article 101 par.2 of Law 4548/2018- Lapse of 10 day deadline
Announcement 363/2025 (no English translation available)
Notification of Transaction
Announcement of regulated information of L 3556/2007 Notification of significant changes in voting rights
Notification of significant changes in voting rights
Announcement According to article 101 par.2 of Law 4548/2018