AXIA e-Shareholders’ Meeting (AXIA e-SM)

AXIA e-SM is ATHEX’s digital platform for listed companies or bond issuers to hold online or hybrid Shareholder Meetings. 

We offer a range of cost-efficient services, designed to fulfil the meeting requirements and enhance the shareholders’ engagement with you, the issuer.

Our service helps you throughout the lifecycle of the General Meetings, ensures the best possible experience for your Management Team on the day and enables increased participation of your shareholders.

To receive the Axia E-SM Service, please submit via Issuers Service Desk à SRD II / G.M. Services à Premium Issuer Agent Services, the SERVICE CONFIGURATION FORM AXIA E-SHAREHOLDERS MEETING.

Advanced, user-friendly, digital platform.
Opportunity to hold hybrid or entirely remote General Meetings (annual & extraordinary).
Real-time monitoring of participants: Attendees’ participation through video conferencing, active posing of questions, contribution to discussions and electronic voting.
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Customization services based on your needs.
Support of ATHEX’s dedicated & highly experienced staff at all stages of the General Meeting, from the preparation to the completion of its conduct.
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Issuers Support Services Department
AXIA e-Shareholders’ Meeting (AXIA e-SM)


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