Announcement Increase of the Share Capital and simultaneous Reduction of the Share Capital via an equivalent Capital Return in cash to shareholders


Increase of the Share Capital and simultaneous Reduction of the Share Capital via an equivalent Capital Return in cash to shareholders

ELLAKTOR SA (hereinafter the "Company"), following its announcement dated 30.01.2025 to the investment community, regarding the decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of its Shareholders, held on the same date, for the increase of the share capital of the Company by €295,963,204.25, through capitalization of an equal amount of the share premium reserve through increase of the nominal value of each share of the Company by €0.85, and the equivalent reduction of the share capital of the Company by €295,963,204.25, through reduction of the nominal value of each share of the Company by €0.85, i.e. from €0.89 to €0.04, and the return - payment of the corresponding amount to the shareholders of the Company, announces that:  

On January 31st, 2025, the decision of the Ministry of Development and Investments under protocol number 3550486AΠ/31.01.2025 was registered with the General Commercial Register (G.E.M.I.) with Registration Code 5269171, by virtue of which the amendment of article 5 (Share Capital – Shareholders) of the Company's Articles of Association was approved.

The Athens Stock Exchange was notified on 05.03.2025 of: (a) the increase and decrease of the nominal value of the Company's shares, as a result of which the share capital of the Company amounted to €13,927,680.20, divided into 348,192,005 common, registered voting shares, with a nominal value of €0.04 each, and (b) the intended capital return in cash to the shareholders (€0.85 per share).  

To reflect the Company's 795,000 treasury shares (which do not receive a capital return), the distribution per share is adjusted to €0.851945.

Following the above, from Monday, 24.03.2025 (Ex-Date), the shares of the Company will be trading on the Athens Stock Exchange with a final nominal value of €0.04 per share and without the right to participate in the return of capital in cash to shareholders amounting to €0.851945 per share. From the same date, the opening price of the Company's shares on the Athens Stock Exchange will be adjusted in accordance with the ATHEX Regulation in conjunction with decision no. 26 of the Board of Directors of ATHEX, as applicable.

Beneficiaries of capital return are shareholders registered with the DSS records on Wednesday 26.03.2025 (record date - date of determination of beneficiaries).

Friday, 28.03.2025, is set as the starting date for the payment of capital return to the beneficiaries through the paying bank “ALPHA BANK S.A.”, as follows:

1. Through the Operators of the beneficiaries in the Dematerialized Security System (D.S.S.) (Banks, custodians and securities firms), according to the ATHEXCSD Rulebook and ATHEXCSD’s relevant resolutions.

2. Specifically, for capital return payments to heirs of deceased beneficiaries whose securities are held in the Special Account of their Share in the DSS, managed by ATHEXCSD, the process will occur after heir legitimization, via the "ALPHA BANK S.A." network, for five (5) years from the end of this year (i.e., until December 31, 2030).

For further information, shareholders are requested to directly contact the Company's Investor Relations Team (contact numbers +30 210 8185078 & 8185076).

Kifissia,  06.03.2025