ATHEX Data Vendors deliver advanced technical solutions and real-time information, catering to the needs of investors and professionals in Greece and internationally. Specifically, ATHEX offers state-of-the-art data centers in Athens and London, featuring interconnection capabilities and equipment hosting services for ATHEX Data Vendors. This infrastructure provides efficient real-time stock market information products: 

  • ATHEX Securities & Derivatives Market
  • CSE Securities Market
  • Derivatives Market of the Hellenic Energy Exchange
  • FTSE/ATHEX Indices

These services include details on trades, indicative auction prices, closing prices, and a comprehensive flow of buy and sell order information.

Real Time Data Feed Products

The real-time data feed products provide a comprehensive understanding of a trading day at ATHEX, across all stages.

These products include details on orders and transactions, with the capability for full depth. They also provide indicative calculated prices and quantities of products during the auction stages. 

More Information

ATHEX Data Feed Brochure

Download here the ATHEX Data Feed brochure.Download PDF

Comprehensive Information Files

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Benefits offered to Data Feed DistributorsDownload PDF
Significant Points of Data Feed ContentDownload PDF
Common Data FeedDownload PDF
CSE Real Time Market Data FeedDownload PDF
Data Feed Service Desk

You can submit your requests regarding the Data Feed service through the Data Feed Service Desk.