Announcement of business development-Completion of the HELECTOR Transaction (Financial Closing)
Announcement of business development
Completion of the HELECTOR Transaction (Financial Closing)
ELLAKTOR SA (hereinafter the "Company"), announces to the investing community the completion of the sale of its subsidiary HELECTOR SA. Specifically:
Pursuant to the contract signed on 03.07.2024 for the Sale and Purchase of all of the Company's shares in HELECTOR SA, to the Cypriot company “MANETIAL LIMITED“, a 100% subsidiary of "MOTOR OIL HELLAS CORINTH REFINERIES S.A." (the “Transaction”), the Hellenic Competition Commission in plenary session, unanimously approved the said Transaction on 20.01.2025 with its decision No. 874/2025.
As a result, on 28.01.2025, the Transaction for the sale of 185,793 common nominal voting shares of HELECTOR S.A., owned by the Company, to MANETIAL LIMITED, corresponding to 94.44% of its fully paid-up share capital, was completed (financial closing).
The above information is provided in accordance with the Regulations of the European Parliament ((EU) 596/2014) the European Council and the Athens Stock Exchange.
Kifissia, 28.01.2025