
Regulatory Documents

Title Description Files
ATHEX Resolution 37

Procedural matters relating to the conduct of the Special Forced Sale Procedures of Law 4569/2018 in accordance with article 2.3.13 of the ATHEX Rulebook.

Effective as of: 12-04-2021

ATHEX Resolution 36

Forced Sale of Transferable Securities in Accordance With par. 7, 8 & 9 of Article 29, Law 4569/2018. 

Effective as of: 13-12-2018

Note: Available only in Greek.

ATHEX Resolution 34

Electronic Book Building (EBB) Service.

Effective as of: 16-10-2023

ATHEX Resolution 28

Documents required for the primary listing of transfer securities in the ATHEX.

Effective as of: 21-05-2024

ATHEX Resolution 27

Documents for corporate actions of Issuers

Effective as of: 21-05-2024

See the annex

ATHEX Resolution 26

"Adjustment of prices of transferable securities" as approved by the ATHEX BoD Resolution of 17.7.2008 and amended by ATHEX BoD Resolution of 29.1.2009,06.10.2011, 28.06.2012 and 26.03.2014.

Effective as of: 26-03-2014

ATHEX Resolution 25

Additional information submitted by the companies listed in ATHEX.

Effective as of: 21-05-2024

See previous version

ATHEX Resolution 24

Fee schedule for the ATHEX markets

Effective as of: 24-12-2024

Derivatives Market Fees Schedule

(See previous versions)

Granting discounts on annual subscriptions of Members for the year 2016. 30-09-2016

ATHEX Resolution 22

Regulation of technical matters for trading on ATHEX Markets.

Effective as of: 14-10-2024

(See previous versions)

ATHEXCSD Resolution 18

Price list

Effective as of: 01-03-2025  

(Δείτε προηγούμενες εκδόσεις της Απόφασης)

ATHEX Resolution 17

Stock Lending

Effective as of: 22-04-2024

ATHEXCSD Resolution 17

Technical terms and procedures for the provision of the Service of Transfer of Securities on Application by the Beneficiary.

Effective as of: 28-03-2022