

Information disclosure requirements under CSDR



Reports of settlement fails


Reports submitted annually to the competent authority regarding the number and cases of settlement fails, including measures envisaged by ATHEXCSD and its participants to improve settlement efficiency [art. 7 par. 1 CSDR]. Includes information set out in Annex III of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1229 for the securities settlement system it operates on their website for free, including the relevant values in EUR. (The first annual report was available in February 2023).


CSDR Settlement fails annual report 2022Download PDF
CSDR Settlement fails annual report 2023Download PDF
CSDR Settlement fails annual report 2024Download PDF


Governance arrangements of ATHEXCSD


Governance arrangements and rules governing the activity of ATHEXCSD [art. 26 par. 4 CSDR]


Governance arrangements and rules governing the activity of ATHEXCSD [art. 26 par. 4 CSDR]Download PDF




The target and policy regarding the representation of genders in the management body of ATHEXCSD


The target, policy and its implementation regarding the representation of the under-represented gender in the management body of ATHEXCSD [art. 27 par. 4 CSDR].Download PDF




Ownership status


Information regarding the ownership of ATHEXCSD, and in particular, the identity and scale of interests of any parties in a position to exercise control over its operation (and any transfer of ownership rights) [art. 27 par. 7 CSDR]
Download PDF


Governance arrangements of the User Committee 


Governance arrangements of the User Committee [art. 28 par. 2 CSDR].



Criteria for participation in ATHEXCSD


Criteria for participation in ATHEXCSD [art. 33 par. 1 subpar. a' CSDR], procedures for the assessment of requests for access [art. 33 par. 2 CSDR].


Prices and fees associated with core services


Prices and fees associated with core services. Disclosure of the prices and fees of each service and function provided separately. Price list. [art. 34 par. 1,2 CSDR].



Levels of protection and the costs associated with the different levels of segregation 


Levels of protection and the costs associated with the different levels of segregation [art. 38 par. 6 CSDR]

Disclosure of Protections and Segregation Levels (art. 38 paragraph 6 of Regulation (EU) 909/2014)


Rules governing the finality of transfers of securities


Rules governing the finality of transfers of securities and cash in a securities settlement system [art. 39 par. 3 CSDR]



Information regarding the risks associated with the services


A CSD shall disclose to all clients information that allows them to assess the risks associated with the services (art. 34 par. 5 CSDR)



Default rules and procedures


A CSD shall make its default rules and relevant procedures available to the public. (art. 41 par. 2 CSDR)


CSD Links


A CSD link shall be established and maintained under the following conditions: [...] (d) The requesting CSD shall make the legal and operational terms and conditions of the link arrangement available to its participants allowing them to assess and manage the risks involved. (art. 84 par. 1d Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/392).

CSD Links of ATHEXCSDDownload PDF



ATHEXCSD Report on Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI)


ATHEXCSD complies with the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI) published by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) and the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) in April 2012. In cooperation with Thomas Murray, ATHEXCSD conducted the compliance assessment, according to the principles and key considerations described in the PFMI standard.


PFMI Self Assessment ReportDownload PDF


Learn More for the PFMI

The PFMI Principles

In April 2012, the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in conjunction with the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), published a document containing 24 principles and 5 responsibilities to be followed by financial market infrastructures, i.e. central securities depositories, clearing houses, and credit organisations, which are vital to the smooth operation of markets and financial stability.  


The above mentioned principles aim to empower financial institutions through compliance with these principles, while also aiding institutions themselves to identify areas of improvement in terms of infrastructure and operations, so as to achieve highly efficient risk management practices.


In December, 2012, CPSS and IOSCO published the self-assessment methodology and disclosure framework that supports the above-mentioned principles. The methodology is considered a fundamental tool in documenting, but most importantly achieving compliance of institutions with these 24 principles.