HERMES is an advanced digital platform enabling communication between the Athens Stock Exchange and listed companies. It aims to expedite the service for listed companies, minimize bureaucratic processes, and provide rapid, reliable, and comprehensive information to the investment community. 

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Ensures compliance of listed companies with disclosure obligations to the investment community.
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Gathers information from listed companies within a framework that ensures data reliability and integrity.
Simplifies bureaucratic processes and provides faster response to the needs of listed companies.
Useful Documents

For Listed Companies

Authorization of the Company's Board of Directors for Users of "HERMES" (FORM - 1)Download PDF
Hermes user entry/change application (FORM - 2)Download PDF
Application for the installation of Hermes workstations & technical manager information entry/change (FORM - 3)Download PDF
Subscriber application - agreement - Available only in GreekDownload PDF

For ETF Issuers

Authorization of the Company's Board of Directors for Users of "HERMES" (FORM - 1)Download PDF
Hermes user entry/change application (FORM - 2)Download PDF
Application for the installation of Hermes workstations & technical manager information entry/change (FORM - 3)Download PDF
Subscriber application - agreementDownload PDF

Resolution 21

Technical Support Services (Available only in Greek)

Installation Instructions for the New Version 'HERMES 2'

Installation instructionsDownload .zip
ATHEX CertificationsGo to link. à
Nexus Personal Plugout 5.6.1Download .zip
Nexus Personal Plugout 5.7.0Download .zip
Nexus Personal Plugout 5.8.2Download .zip

Guide to Installing Digital Certificates for 'HERMES'

Check here for more information on the installation.

Workstation Configuration for Accessing the 'Financial Statements Based on IFRS' Service in HERMES

If you plan to use the Excel template files provided by ATHEX for the 'Financial Statements Based on IFRS' service in HERMES, it is essential to first follow the instructions below for the proper configuration of one or more workstations.

Workstation Configuration for Accessing the 'Financial Statements Based on IFRS' Service in HERMESDownload PDF
Troubleshooting instructions for the excel files (Soap Toolkit & 64bit MS Office)Download PDF
Excel Template Files (32 bit) for Summary Financial DataDownload .zip
Excel Template Files (64 bit) for Summary Financial DataDownload .zip
Alternative Market: Excel Template Files (32 bit) for Summary Financial DataDownload .zip
Alternative Market: Excel Template Files (64 bit) for Summary Financial DataDownload .zip
Microsoft Soap Toolkit 3.0Download .zip
MS SOAP30.dll 64bitDownload .zip

Workstation Configuration for Accessing the 'Transaction Reporting Based on Law 3340/2005' Service in HERMES

If you intend to use the Excel template files provided by ATHEX for the 'Transaction Reporting Based on Law 3340/2005' service in HERMES, it is essential to first configure one or more workstations.

Instructions for Configuring a Workstation to Use the HERMES Service.Download PDF
Troubleshooting instructions for the excel files (Soap Toolkit & 64bit MS Office)Download PDF
Excel Template Files (32 bit)Download .zip
Excel Template Files (64 bit)Download .zip
Microsoft Soap Toolkit 3.0Download .zip
MS SOAP30.dll 64bitDownload .zip

Workstation Configuration for Accessing the 'ETF Data Submission' Service in HERMES

Workstation Configuration for Accessing the 'ETF Data Submission' Service in HERMESDownload PDF
Excel Template FilesDownload .zip
Microsoft Soap Toolkit 3.0Download .zip
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