
Companies aiming to list their stocks for trading on the Athens Stock Exchange can opt between the Regulated Market and the Alternative Market, based on their needs and business development stage.

Regulated Market

Listing Process

Listing on the Regulated Market can be completed in an 8-week period, ensuring fast access to capital. The listing process includes:

  1. Selection of Advisor / Underwriter
  2. Preparing the listing dossier
  3. Listing application 
  4. Approval by ATHEX
  5. Approval by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission
  6. Conduct of Public Offer (IPO)
  7. Approval by ATHEX - Admission to trading
  8. Start of trading

Submit an Application

Supportive Documents & Application Forms 
TABLE 1: Supporting documents for evaluation of the listing application for shares/ascertainment of the fulfilment, in principle, of the listing requirementsDownload PDF
TABLE 2: Application Form for Listing Shares on the Main Market of ATHEX – Declarations by the Issuer and the SponsorDownload PDF
TABLE 3: Share Blocking Form for Principal ShareholdersDownload PDF
TABLE 4: Supporting documents for approval of listing and commencement of trading of sharesDownload PDF

Listing Requirements

Shareholder's EquityMin €1,000,000
CapitalizationMin €40,000,000
Corporate GovernanceYES
Financial Statements3 Fiscal years
Free Float
Free FloatAt least 25% or exceptionally at least 15% for companies with market capitalization > €200mil.
Number of Persons Holding <5%At least 500 persons or exceptionally at least 300 persons with the simultaneous appointment of at least 2 Market Makers
Shares Lock-UpFor companies with losses during the last financial year before the submission of the application and with estimated capitalization < €200mil., during the 1st semester following listing, major shareholders are not allowed to transfer shares that represent > 25% of their holdings

Apart from the above quantitative listing criteria, in the context of a company's suitability assessment, ATHEX takes also into account other qualitative characteristics, such as industry sector, investment plan, management team, revenue growth and prospects.

Listing Fees

ATHEX charges for a company that wishes its shares to be listed to the Regulated Market include:

Application & Registration fees

  • Payment of €5,000 on submission of the application. This amount will be paid regardless of whether the company's shares will be listed to the Regulated Market.
  • The companies whose shares are admitted to trading on ATHEX for the first time pay a lump sum as listing right, which is calculated according to the following scale:

    Value of listed shares% on the share value
    Up to €1,000,000,0000.04%
    €1,000,000,001 - €3,000,000,0000.02%
    Over €3,000,000,0000.00%

    The value of the stocks to be admitted to trading results as the product of the number of listed securities times the admission price.

    The minimum threshold of the lump sum admission fee is €5,000. In case of admission to trading, the lump sum relating to the listing rights paid by the company shall be reduced by the above amounts.

Quarterly subscription fee

  • The calculation of the subscription owed, is made according to the following scale:

    Capitalization (in €)% on the share value
    Up to €100,000,0000.0025%
    €100,000,001 - €250,000,0000.0020%
    €250,000,001 and above0.0005%


  • The annual minimum amount of subscription can not be less than €1,000.
  • See Resolution 24 of ATHEX, regarding new listing fees & quarterly subscriptions.

Regulatory Framework

The regulatory framework includes:

A. Athens Stock Exchange Rulebook

B1. Resolutions for listing on the Regulated Market

  • Resolution 28 - Documents required for the primary listing of transfer securities on ATHEX
  • Resolution 24 - Fee schedule for ATHEX markets

B2. Resolutions regarding listed companies

  • Resolution 27 - Documents for corporate actions of Issuers
  • Resolution 25 - Additional information submitted by the companies listed on ATHEX
Alternative Market - EN.A.

Procedure for Admission

The Alternative Market is suited to small and mid-sized companies, with prior operating and business history and growth prospects, aiming to finance their business plans. Listing criteria are simplified and reporting requirements are lighter compared to the Regulated Market, offering the opportunity for smaller companies to take advantage of the stock market.

  1. Selection of Advisor
  2. Preparing the listing dossier
  3. Application for listing on the Alternative Market
  4. Presentation of the company to the Evaluation Committee
  5. Approval of listing requirements by the Athens Stock Exchange
  6. Conduct of Private Placement / Public Offer
  7. Approval by the Athens Stock Exchange
  8. Initiation of trading

Submit an Application

Supportive Documents & Application Forms 
Annex A: Application form for Admission to Trading on the Alternative Market of Athens Exchange and Declaration of the CompanyDownload PDF  
Annex B: Suitability QuestionnaireDownload PDF  
Annex C: Declarations of the Nominated Adviser regarding the applicant companyDownload PDF  
Annex D: Form for declaration by members of the applicant company's board of directorsDownload PDF  
Annex E: Form for declaration by shareholders of the applicant company holding ≥ 5% of share capitalDownload PDF  
Annex F: Declaration confirming submission to ATHEX of an electronic copy of the Admission Document/Prospectus/Information DocumentDownload PDF  

Admission Requirements

Legal FormLimited company at the time of application (or foreign equivalent)
Financial Statements

2 fiscal years

Financial statements must comply with IAS/IFRS standards and have been audited by a Certified Auditor.

(In cases of fewer fiscal years, admission may be approved subject to submission of specific documentation by the Nominated Adviser.)

Business Plan    It is submitted if the company does not have at least two years of prior activity in the sector and the area of business in which it will operate after admission of its shares in EN.A.
Tax AuditStatement submitted by the Nominated Adviser regarding the adequacy of provisions recognized in the financial statements and any tax liabilities for the unaudited fiscal years (for the company and its subsidiaries included in the latest consolidated financial statements).
Corporate Governance    Reporting of the corporate governance practices applied or reference to the Corporate Governance Code adopted.
Free Float *
Free Float15%
Number of Shareholders With < 5%    at least 50 
Lock-up period    
If a Business Plan is Submitted    Shareholders with ≥ 5% each may transfer a maximum of 25% of the shares they held on the date of admission, during the period of implementation of the Business Plan.
If Losses Have Been Reported in the Two
Fiscal Years Prior to Admission
Shareholders with ≥ 5% each may not transfer their shares for a period of one year after admission.
Nominated Adviser    Mandatory appointment of a Nominated Adviser at the admission approval stage and retention for two years after admission.

* Holdings of BoD members, senior executives, key shareholders (≥5%) and their first-degree relatives are not taken into account in the calculation of free float.

Fund-raising on Admission

At the stage of admission of shares to the Alternative Market, the issuing company invites interest from investors in order to raise the required capital.

Shares are offered to investors through:

  • a Private Placement to a limited number of investors
  • a Public Offering of shares to the investing public
  • a combination of Private Placement and Public Offering

In all cases, the Electronic Book Building service and the network of ATHEX Members may be used.

Admission Charges

ATHEX charges for a company seeking admission to the Alternative Market include:

Application & single registration fees

  • Payment of €4,500 on submission of the application
    This amount will be paid regardless of whether the company's shares will be admitted to ENA PLUS.
  • The companies whose shares are admitted to trading on ATHEX for the first time pay a lump sum as listing right of €7,500 on admission of shares to ENA PLUS.
    The above application fee is offset against the registration fee.

Quarterly subscription fee

  • Companies whose shares have been admitted to trading on ENA PLUS pay an annual subscription fee, charged quarterly, according to the following scale:

    Capitalization (in €)Quarterly ChargeAnnual Charge
    Up to €20,000,000€750€3,000
    €20,000,001 - €40,000,000€1,250€5,000
    Over €40,000,000€1,750€7,000


  • Minimum fee: €3,000
    Maximum fee: €7,000
    See Resolution 5 of the Alternative Market for details of all charges.

Regulatory Framework

The regulatory framework consists of the following:

A. EN.A. Operating Rules

See the Alternative Market Operating Rules here

B1. Resolutions on admission to EN.A. 

B2. Resolutions on matters following admission on EN.A

  • Resolution 4 - Procedure and documentation for corporate actions of companies admitted to the Alternative Market
  • Resolution 7 - Additional information provided by companies admitted to the Alternative Market

Β3. Decisions of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission

If the company chooses to raise capital through a Public Offering of shares, of total value less than €5,000,000, it must publish an Information Document in accordance with the provisions of Decision 1/893/16.10.2020 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (HCMC) and submit to the Athens Stock Exchange the documentation set out in HCMC Decision 2/892/13.10.2020.

HCMC Decision 1/893/16.10.2020: Information Document that must be published in cases of an offer of transferable securities of instance h), par. 3, article 1 of Law 3401/2005Download PDF
HCMC Decision 2/892/13.10.2020: Procedure and documentation required for approval of the ProspectusDownload PDF


Electronic Book Building (EBB)

Our Electronic Book Building facilitates capital raising procedures by effectively leveraging the network of the Athens Stock Exchange members and their clients.

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