Announcement According to article 101 par.2 of Law 4548/2018- Lapse of 10 day deadline
V.A.T. No: 094004914, General Commercial Registry (G.E.MI)
No.: 000251501000, (the «Company»)
According to article 101 par.2 of Law 4548/2018
(Disclosure of Transactions with Related Parties)
ELLAKTOR SA (hereinafter the "Company"), announces to the investment community, pursuant to paragraph 2 of article 101 of Law 4548/2018, that the meeting of its Board of Directors on 27.01.2025, following its announcement dated 15.01.2025, which already published to the General Electronic Commercial Registry (GEMI) with protocol No 3540580/16.01.2025, established that the ten-day deadline for the submission of a request to convene a General Assembly with the purpose of deciding on the granting of a special permit for the Company to implement the Transaction with the company “MANETIAL LIMITED”, pursuant to paragraph 3 of article 100 of Law 4548/2018, as in force, lapsed without effect.
The above information regarding the lapse of the deadline of paragraph 3 of article 100, took place in the context of the granting of a special permit by the Board of Directors for the conclusion of a contract for the sale of shares to the Cypriot limited company "MANETIAL LIMITED", which, as a 100% subsidiary of the existing shareholder, “MOTOR OIL HELLAS CORINTH REFINERIES S.A.”, is a related company as defined in paragraph (a) of the par. 2 of article 99 of Law 4548/2018 of the Company (the "Transaction").
Kifissia, 27.01.2025