Non Display 

The ATHEXGROUP's Non Display Policy governs the strategic use and distribution of real-time market data for creating original works and facilitating automated trading without displaying the primary data.


Non Display Categories

The ATHEX Real Time Non Display Data service is a special service including the following categories of usage of the real time information:

  • Usage of real time information by corporate client of the Vendor/Subvendor for the creation of original created works. Such works quite indicatively include indices, quotes, VWAPS (Volume Weighted Average Prices), portfolio evaluation services and analytic reference figures which have been calculated from or using real time information.
  • Usage of real time information by corporate client of the Vendor/Subvendor in electronic trading systems for the purpose of generating orders or executing transactions in an automated and/or semi - automated manner without the display of the original real time information (i.e. for algorithmic trading, program trading, or the automated monitoring of trading activities).


Non Display Pricing Policy

Use of Non Display Service without Exchange Fees: 

  • Use by ATHEX Vendor/Subvendor/Member: Entities paying the annual market data agreement license fee incur no additional fees for their own use of Non Display data.
  • Delayed Time Non Display Data: Non Display data used in a delayed manner incurs no exchange fees.
  • Venues Exempt from Non Display Fees:
    1. ENAX (Alternative Market)
    2. XECM (Emerging Companies Market)
    3. AAPA (APA@ATHEX Service)

Non Display

Check here the Non Display contractual documents and price list.

Price List Announcements

Please read the September 30, 2020 announcement, regarding the update in the Non Display price list, effective as of January 4, 2021:Download PDF
Please read the December 22, 2023, announcement, regarding the update in the Non Display price list, effective as of April 1, 2024:Download PDF


ATHEX MIFID II Disaggregated Non Display Products

ATHEX MIFID II Disaggregated Non Display Products (valid until December 31st 2020):Download PDF
ATHEX MIFID II Disaggregated Non Display Products (valid until March 31st 2024):Download PDF
ATHEX MIFID II Disaggregated Non Display Products (effective as of April 1st 2024):Download PDF


Data Feed Service Desk

You can submit your requests regarding the Data Feed service through the Data Feed Service Desk.