ATHEX Market Makers  

Market Makers are crucial to sustaining liquidity in the market. Their status, which is obtained per market and financial product, is assigned without numerical restrictions. This designation is valid for a minimum of one year and does not require any extra agreements with the companies issuing the securities.

Market Makers receive quarterly financial distributions (rebates) by ATHEX, based on a performance evaluation model that considers their contribution to liquidity and trading activity for each tradable instrument.


Requirements for obtaining the Market Maker capacity  

To obtain the Market Maker capacity, firms must have a trading license for dealing on their own account. Additionally, they are required to run a dedicated Market Making Department, operating under structured procedures based on the related regulations. This role also demands high-level capabilities, knowledge and technical expertise, and robust support systems.


Benefits of Market Makers

Market Makers enjoy several advantages, including exemption from sales tax and exclusion from order fees. Furthermore, they can receive additional rebates from the Athens Stock Exchange, enhancing their profitability.

List of Market Makers per Market


ATHEX Members

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