Reporting Obligations
Regular Reporting Obligations
- Financial statements (audited by a Certified Public Auditor)
- Half-yearly financial statements (reviewed by a Chartered Auditor). The Alternative Market does not require a review by a Chartered Auditor
- Financial Calendar
- Annual analysts' briefing (for companies whose shares participate in the FTSE/ATHEX indices)
Adhoc Reporting Obligations
- Convening of the General Meeting
- Resolutions of the General Meeting
- Payment of dividend / interim dividend
- Information on corporate actions
- Information on inside information
- Acquisition or disposal by a major shareholder
- Notification of transactions by persons having access to inside information
- Change of use of funds raised
- Table of allocation of use of funds raised
- Response to questions from the Athens Stock Exchange
- Issuance of information notes on corporate events (acquisitions, change of activities, spin-offs)
- Acquisition or transfer of own shares
- Termination of cooperation with EN.A. Consultant (Alternative Market only)