Transparency Documents 

Pre- and post-trade transparency documents are available to investment firms trading outside the trading venue via the APA@ATHEX service, with a delayed release. The trading data files remain accessible until midnight of the following business day. Access the related files here. 


APA Pre Trade


Currently there isn't any active result on ATHEX.

APA Post Trade

Filename Published Date Updated Date Creation Date File
PRD_AAPA_POST_20250311.18.31.45.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
PRD_AAPA_POST_20250311.17.41.46.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
PRD_AAPA_POST_20250311.17.31.45.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
PRD_AAPA_POST_20250311.17.21.55.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
PRD_AAPA_POST_20250311.17.01.49.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025

Pre- and post-trade transparency documents for the Athens Stock Exchange markets are published with a 15-minute delay from the respective transactions. The pre- and post-trade data remain available until midnight of the following business day. Access the related files here. 



Filename Published Date Updated Date Creation Date File
Daily_PreTrade_20250311_18.00.05.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
Daily_PreTrade_20250311_17.45.05.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
Daily_PreTrade_20250311_17.30.06.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
Daily_PreTrade_20250311_17.15.04.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
Daily_PreTrade_20250311_17.00.04.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025

ATHEX Post Trade

Filename Published Date Updated Date Creation Date File
Daily_PostTrade_20250311_18.00.06.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
Daily_PostTrade_20250311_17.45.06.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
Daily_PostTrade_20250311_17.30.07.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
Daily_PostTrade_20250311_17.15.05.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
Daily_PostTrade_20250311_17.00.05.csv 11/03/2025 11/03/2025 11/03/2025
Market Quality Statistics

Find out about ATHEXCSD's market quality statistics.