OASIS Trading System
The Trading System of the Athens Stock Exchange boasts over 25 years of reliable operation. The Automated Integrated Trading System (OASIS) ensures high security in data production, management, and storage. It fully complies with all regulatory and organizational requirements set forth in MiFID II and incorporates essential technical tools to guarantee smooth trading operations and manage emergency situations.
Key features include:
- Advanced technological infrastructure supporting the trading of multiple products
- Real-time capabilities for Trading Members to enter, manage orders, and monitor trade execution
OASIS Connectivity Options
The Trading Members may connect to the OASIS Trading System of Cash and Derivatives markets using the following ways:
- the ATHEX FIX Server that supports version 4.4 of FIX protocol. Members may connect via two (2) different types of sessions:
- Trading sessions that support order/quote/trade report management
- Drop copy that receives all the application messages directed to all the trading sessions
- the ATHEX client application:
- ATHEX Trader which is a web based application that is connected to OASIS via ATHEXNet or Internet
- ORAMA that is connected to OASIS via ATHEXNet

Trading Platform Connectivity Options
Via Equinix LD4 and/or LD8 | Via Internet VPN | Via the Data Center |
ATHEXGROUP Status Service
The ATHEXGROUP Status service, offered by the Athens Exchange Group, provides notifications for technical issues concerning the Exchange's Trading Systems. For further details and registration, please click here.

ATHEX Emergency Playbook
While technical malfunctions leading to an outage of the OASIS ATHEX Trading System are rare, they require appropriate handling aimed at providing the best possible information and support to market participants. Based on the above, the Athens Exchange Group has outlined the relevant procedures in this document.
It is important to note that these procedures may be subject to adjustment based on the nature and severity of the malfunction.