The SFTR service supports Clearing Members and their clients in the fulfilment of their reporting obligations in accordance with the European Regulation SFTR, which requires counterparties and central counterparties to ensure that the details of any Securities Financing Transactions contract they have concluded and of any modification or termination of the contract are reported to a Trade Repository. According to the SFTR, counterparties may delegate the reporting of the details of Securities Financing Transactions to a third party.


The SFTR service enables Clearing Members to delegate the clearing reporting to ATHEXCLEAR, for the following cases:

  • Reporting obligation lies with the Clearing Member: Any transactions concluded by a Clearing Member in the Securities Lending Mechanism of ATHEX with ATHEXCLEAR and with the Clearing Member's clients
  • Reporting obligation lies with the clients and the latter have authorised the Clearing Member in this respect: Transactions concluded by a Clearing Member's clients with the Clearing Member in the Securities Lending Mechanism of ATHEX
  • Securities financing transactions and reuse, as well as any modification or termination of the respective contracts, which have been concluded over the counter or in other regulated markets by the Clearing Member or by its clients that have authorised the Clearing Member in this respect
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It reduces operating expenses and optimizes resource utilization, requiring only minimal adjustments from the Clearing Members.
Workflow Icon
It simplifies the reporting process and enhances operational efficiency, as it does not require coordination between Clearing Members and a Trade Repository.
Accuracy Icon
Reliable and accurate reporting framework with no reconciliation costs and minimization of the financial implications due to reporting inaccuracies.
Profits Icon
Provision of additional services that enhance the value proposition for Clearing Members, fostering a comprehensive and supportive reporting environment.

Related Documents

1. Application - Contract of SFTR ServiceApplication - Contract for the procurement of the SFTR Service, concerning the participation of the Clearing Member to the SFTR ServiceDownload PDF
2. General Terms of the Contract of SFTR ServiceDetailed description of General Terms of the Contract of SFTR ServiceDownload PDF
2a. Terms of protection of personal data during the provision of the SFTR ServiceDetailed description of Terms of protection of personal data during the provision of the SFTR ServiceDownload PDF
3. Technical Specifications of SFTR ServiceThe technical specifications of the service (are part of the contract). Also, the present document contains information about the way in which ATHEX Clear reports the transactions.Download PDF
4. Pricing Policy of SFTR Service (valid from 01/04/2025)Detailed description of the pricing policy for the SFTR Service.Download PDF
5. Customer details file template for transactions cleared by ATHEX ClearA template for the Customer details file that the Clearing Members should submit to the ATHEX Clear, in order to register their customers' data for the needs of SFTR Service.Download CSV
6. File Template for Clients' GuaranteesFile template for Clients' Guarantees. This file have to be uploaded on a daily basis if Clearing Member calculates margin differently than ATHEXClear.Download CSV
7. Customer details file template for transactions non cleared by ATHEX ClearA template for the Customer details file that the Clearing Members should submit to the ATHEX Clear, in order to be able to report transactions for the Legal Entity contained in the file.Download CSV
8. File registration SFTR application user manualUser Manual for the WEB application for submission of the files, according to the SFTR Service.Download PDF


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