Issuer Data Corner


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Type of Announcement
Title Date
Update regarding the special authorization of the Board of Directors of MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. for a transaction between its subsidiaries and related parties, NRG SUPPLY AND TRADING SINGLE MEMBER ENERGY S.A. and MOTOR OIL RENEWABLE E…
Reply to a Hellenic Capital Market Commission Letter
Special authorization of the Board of Directors of MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. for a transaction between its subsidiaries and related parties, NRG SUPPLY AND TRADING SINGLE MEMBER ENERGY S.A. and MOTOR OIL RENEWABLE ENERGY SINGLE MEMBER S…
Completion of the transaction for the acquisition of 94.44% of the share capital of HELECTOR S.A.
Regulated Information (Regulation EU 596/2014: Acknowledgement of Transaction)
Update regarding the special permission of the Board of MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. to its subsidiary MANETIAL LIMITED to proceed with a transaction with a related party pursuant to the articles 99-101 of the Law 4548/2018
Completion of the procedure for the sale of treasury shares
Pre-announcement of sale of Own Shares
Special permission of the Board of MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. to its subsidiary MANETIAL LIMITED to proceed with a transaction with a related party pursuant to the articles 99-101 of the Law 4548/2018
Completion of the procedure for the sale of treasury shares
Sale of Treasury Shares
Sale of Treasury Shares