Reply to a Hellenic Capital Market Commission Letter
In reply to a letter dated February 5th, 2025 (Ref. No. 281/05.02.2025) addressed to it by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) S.A. (the Company) hereby announces that, in pursuance of the further expansion of its activities and exploitation of potential synergies, it continuously investigates the possibility of collaboration with various corporate groups, including the Group of GEK TERNA with which it already collaborates through the company THERMOILEKTRIKI KOMOTINIS S.A.
Nevertheless, it is a firm policy of the Company to only proceed with official announcements to the investment community in cases in which a business event, as provided for by the Regulation of the Athens Exchanges and the requirements of the legal framework for the listed companies, must be disclosed.
The Board of Directors
Maroussi, February 5th, 2025