Update regarding the special authorization of the Board of Directors of MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. for a transaction between its subsidiaries and related parties, NRG SUPPLY AND TRADING SINGLE MEMBER ENERGY S.A. and MOTOR OIL RENEWABLE E…

Following its announcement on 29 January 2025, which was also published on the General Commercial Register (G.E.MI.) website under protocol number 3550306/30.01.2025, MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. (the “Company”) hereby announces that the 10-day deadline for submission of a request to convene a General Meeting to decide on the special authorization granted by the Board of Directors of the Company in order for its subsidiary NRG SUPPLY AND TRADING SINGLE MEMBER ENERGY S.A. (“NRG”) to acquire from MOTOR OIL RENEWABLE ENERGY SINGLE MEMBER S.A. (“MORE”), also a subsidiary of the Company, 109,816 registered shares issued by KORINTHOS POWER S.A. (“KORINTHOS POWER”), corresponding to 35% of the share capital of the latter, against a total consideration amount of EUR 56,000,000 (the “Transaction”) lapsed on 10 February 2025. Following the lapse of the abovementioned 10-day deadline, the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company granting the special authorization for the Transaction becomes definitive, and the Share Purchase Agreement dated 29 January 2025 signed between MORE, as seller, and NRG, as buyer, becomes definitively valid as of its date.  

Pursuant to articles 99-101 of Law 4548/2018, a) the Company and NRG are related parties, as the Company holds 100% of the share capital of NRG and b) the Company and MORE are related parties, as the Company holds 100% of the share capital of MORE.

The present announcement is issued in accordance with article 101 paras 2 and 3 of Law 4548/2018.


Maroussi, 11 February 2025

The Board of Directors