Title Description Date
EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A. (03-Aug-2009) 14541 Information Document in accordance with article 4 par. 2. f of l.3401/2005, for the listing of new shares issued by share capital increase through capitalization of taxed profits and free distribution to employees
GEK TERNA HOLDING REAL ESTATE CONSTRUCTION S.A. (14-Oct-2008) Report according to article of the Athens Exchange Regulation by the Board of Directors of the societe anonyme with the name ?GEK Societe Anonyme Holdings, Real Estate, Constructions Company? and the distinctive title ?GEK SA?
NAT. BANK OF GREECE SA (16-May-2008) Board of Directors' report to the general meeting of shareholders of 15 may 2008 on the agenda Increase in the Bank?s share capital up to euro 1.5 billion through the issue of redeemable preference shares pursuant to Article 17b of the Companies Act 2190/1920, and abolition of the preemptive right in favour of old shareholders, along with the relevant authorizations.
FRIGOGLASS S.A.I.C. (17-Apr-2008) Information circular pursuant to article 4 par. 2 (f) of law 3401/2005 regarding the admission for listing of the company?s shares in the context of stock option plans for the company?s employees and for the employees of its affiliated companies.
FRIGOGLASS S.A.I.C. (21-Jan-2008) information circular pursuant to article 4 par. 2 (f) of law 3401/2005 regarding the admission for listing of the company?s shares in the context of stock option plans for the company?s employees and for the employees of its affiliated companies
HELLENIC EXCHANGES - ATHENS STOCK EXCHANGE S.A. (21-Dec-2007) Information document, in accordance with article 4(2f)of low 3401/2005 (Stock Option Plan), concerning the listing of shares following the excercise of stock option rights in accordance with the 2nd Stock Option Program.
PIRAEUS BANK S.A. (18-Dec-2007) Information sheet pursuant to article 4 of law 3401/2005 of PIRAEUS BANK S.A.
MYTILINEOS HOLDINGS S.A. (10-Dec-2007) Information sheet pursuant to article 4 of law 3401/2005 of MYTILINEOS S.A. - GROUP OF COMPANIES of companies, regarding the issuance of new shares with a respective reduction of the shares? nominal value and share capital increase through capitalization of reserve for the purpose of rounding the par value of the new shares (split-(off))
HELLENIC EXCHANGES - ATHENS STOCK EXCHANGE S.A. (30-Nov-2007) Information document, in accordance with article 4(2f)of low 3401/2005 (Stock Option Plan),concerning the listing of shares following the excercise of stock option rights.
EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A. (29-Nov-2007) Information document in accordance with article 4 par.1.d of l.3401/2005, regarding the payment of the interim dividend for the financial year 2007 through the offer of shares of the same category as those entitled to the dividend. Updated version
EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A. (22-Nov-2007) Information document in accordance with article 4 par.1.d of l.3401/2005, regarding the payment of the interim dividend for the financial year 2007 through the offer of shares of the same category as those entitled to the dividend
INTRALOT S.A. (02-Nov-2007) Information memorandum according to article 4 of law 3401/2005 in relation to an increase of the company's share capital through capitalization of reserves and increase of the nominal value of the company's shares and free distribution of new shares, following an increase of the total number of the company's shares through decrease of their nominal value and the credit of the new shares for trading to the ATHEX.