Regulations & Resolutions

Title Description Type
ATHEX Resolution 12

"Stock Futures on ATHEX Stocks of the Big Cap Market Segment" as amended through ATHEX BoD Resolution of 6.12.2017. 

Effective as of: 18-12-2023

Αnnex Α Calculation of deviation from the liquidity series

Annex B

ATHEX Resolution 11

Terminated by a decision of the Executive Committee on November 13, 2014.

ATHEX Resolution 10

"FTSE/ATHEX 20 Stock Index Futures" as amended through ATHEX BoD Resolution of 6.12.2017

Effective as of: 18-12-2023

ATHEX Resolution 9

"EXTRAORDINARY TRADING PROCEDURES" as approved by ATHEX BoD Resolution of 17.7.2008 and amended through ATHEX BoD Resolution of 29.1.2009

Effective as of: 29-01-2009

ATHEX Απόφαση 8

Συνδυασμοί Εντολών (Combinations)

Ισχύς: 08-10-2018

ATHEX Resolution 7

"Cases of immediate imposition of sanctions against ATHEX Members and competent bodies for their imposition" as approved by ATHEX BoD Resolution and amended by 29.1.2009 ATHEX BoD Resolution

Effective as of: 29-01-2009

ATHEX Resolution 6

It has been abolished according to the Stock Markets Steering Committee decision on 13/11/2014.

ATHEX Resolution 5

 It has been abolished according to the Stock Markets Steering Committee decision on 13/11/2014.

ATHEX Resolution 4

It has been abolished according to the Stock Markets Steering Committee decision on 13/11/2014.

ATHEX Resolution 3

"Professional Competence of Members"

Effective as of: 13-11-2014

ATHEX Resolution 2

Procedure for acquiring the capacity of Market Maker in the Regulated Markets of ATHEX and in the Alternative Market. 

Effective as of: 29-11-2024

(See previous version)

ATHEX Resolution 1

Procedure for becoming a Member, resigning as a Member and other Member-related issues.

Effective as of: 29-11-2024

(See previous version)

Archived Regulatory Documents