Regulations & Resolutions

Title Description Type
ATHEX Resolution 36

Forced Sale of Transferable Securities in Accordance With par. 7, 8 & 9 of Article 29, Law 4569/2018. 

Effective as of: 13-12-2018

Note: Available only in Greek.

ATHEX Resolution 35

Pre-Admission trading service.

Effective as of: 07-09-2018

ATHEX Resolution 34

Electronic Book Building (EBB) Service.

Effective as of: 16-10-2023

ATHEX Resolution 33

Μεθοδολογία προσδιορισμού Τιμής Εκκίνησης για Τίτλους Παραστατικών Δικαιωμάτων προς Κτήση Κινητών Αξιών (Warrants)

Ισχύς: 23-05-2013

Note: Available only in Greek.

ATHEX Resolution 32

It was abolished from 21.05.2024 by the decision no. 201/15.04.204 of the Stock Markets Steering Committee.

ATHEX Resolution 31

 It has been abolished according to the Stock Markets Steering Committee decision on 13.11.2014.

ATHEX Resolution 30

It has been abolished according to the Stock Markets Steering Committee decision on 13/11/2014.

ATHEX Resolution 29

It has been abolished according to the Stock Markets Steering Committee decision on 6/12/2017.

ATHEX Resolution 28

Documents required for the primary listing of transfer securities in the ATHEX.

Effective as of: 21-05-2024

ATHEX Resolution 27

Documents for corporate actions of Issuers

Effective as of: 21-05-2024

See the annex

ATHEX Resolution 26

"Adjustment of prices of transferable securities" as approved by the ATHEX BoD Resolution of 17.7.2008 and amended by ATHEX BoD Resolution of 29.1.2009,06.10.2011, 28.06.2012 and 26.03.2014.

Effective as of: 26-03-2014

ATHEX Resolution 25

Additional information submitted by the companies listed in ATHEX.

Effective as of: 21-05-2024

See previous version

Archived Regulatory Documents