Regulations & Resolutions
Title | Description | Type | |
ATHEX Resolution 36 | Forced Sale of Transferable Securities in Accordance With par. 7, 8 & 9 of Article 29, Law 4569/2018. Effective as of: 13-12-2018 Note: Available only in Greek. |
ATHEX Resolution 35 | Pre-Admission trading service. Effective as of: 07-09-2018 |
ATHEX Resolution 34 | Electronic Book Building (EBB) Service. Effective as of: 16-10-2023 |
ATHEX Resolution 33 | Μεθοδολογία προσδιορισμού Τιμής Εκκίνησης για Τίτλους Παραστατικών Δικαιωμάτων προς Κτήση Κινητών Αξιών (Warrants) Ισχύς: 23-05-2013 Note: Available only in Greek. |
ATHEX Resolution 32 | It was abolished from 21.05.2024 by the decision no. 201/15.04.204 of the Stock Markets Steering Committee. |
ATHEX Resolution 31 | It has been abolished according to the Stock Markets Steering Committee decision on 13.11.2014. |
ATHEX Resolution 30 | It has been abolished according to the Stock Markets Steering Committee decision on 13/11/2014. |
ATHEX Resolution 29 | It has been abolished according to the Stock Markets Steering Committee decision on 6/12/2017. |
ATHEX Resolution 28 | Documents required for the primary listing of transfer securities in the ATHEX. Effective as of: 21-05-2024 |
ATHEX Resolution 27 | Documents for corporate actions of Issuers Effective as of: 21-05-2024 |
ATHEX Resolution 26 | "Adjustment of prices of transferable securities" as approved by the ATHEX BoD Resolution of 17.7.2008 and amended by ATHEX BoD Resolution of 29.1.2009,06.10.2011, 28.06.2012 and 26.03.2014. Effective as of: 26-03-2014 |
ATHEX Resolution 25 | Additional information submitted by the companies listed in ATHEX. Effective as of: 21-05-2024 |