Regulations & Resolutions
Title | Description | Files | |
ATHEXCLEAR - Regulation of Clearing of Transferable Securities Transactions in Book Entry Form | Regulation of Clearing of Transferable Securities Transactions in Book Entry Form |
ATHEXCLEAR - Regulation on the Clearing of Transactions on Derivatives | Regulation on the Clearing of Transactions on Derivatives |
ATHEXCLEAR Resolution 16 | "Procedures for the imposition of cash penalties on failing Clearing Members in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1229 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/389" Effective as of: 02-09-2024 |
ATHEXCLEAR Resolution 15 | "List of Members that undertake close-out netting transactions, sales of collateral & related obligations" Effective as of: 01-02-2022 |
ATHEXCLEAR Resolution 14 | Securities Transition Procedures Effective as of: 06-02-2015 |
ATHEXCLEAR Resolution 13 | Transition procedures Effective as of: 17-11-2014
ATHEXCLEAR Resolution 12 | Technical procedures and schedule for derivatives clearing Effective as of: 18-12-2023 |
ATHEXCLEAR Resolution 11 | Clearing-related technical procedures Effective as of: 07-10-2024 |
ATHEXCLEAR Resolution 10 | Fees for the Administration and Operation of the System for Clearing Transactions. Effective as of: 01-01-2025 Derivatives Market Fees Schedule «Χορήγηση εκπτώσεων επί των ετησίων συνδρομών των Μελών για το έτος 2017» 18-12-2017 |
ATHEXCLEAR Resolution 9 | Risk Committee Effective as of: 16-10-2023 |
ATHEXCLEAR Resolution 8 | Default & Crisis Management Committee Effective as of: 01-02-2022 |
ATHEXCLEAR Resolution 7 | Testing Default Procedures Effective as of: 01-02-2022 |