Resolutions of the 3rd Annual General Meeting - 24 Jun 2004

Athens, June 24th 2004



Hellenic Exchanges Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders was held on Wednesday, June 23, 2004, at the main hall of the Athens Exchange.

The attendance rate was 52.57%, 37,371,147 common registered shares, out of a total of 71,088,173 shares.

In his speech the Chairman of the Company, Mr Iakovos Georganas, referred to HELEX course during the previous and the current year and analysed management priorities for further growth and modernization.

Hellenic Exchanges General Meeting of Shareholders:

1.   Approved with 36,513,437 votes, (100%), the BoD's and Auditors' reports, on the corporate and consolidated Financial Statements that refer to the Third (3rd) Fiscal Period (from 01/01/2003 until 31/12/2003)

2.   Approved with 36,508,437 on a total of 36,513,437 shares (99.99%) the corporate and consolidated Financial Statements of the Third (3rd) Fiscal Period (from 01/01/2003 until 31/12/2003)

3.   Approved with 36,513,437 votes, (100%), the distribution table of the Third (3rd) Fiscal Period (from 01/01/2003 until 31/12/2003) and the transfer of the ? 16,916,250.07 losses to the next fiscal period (1.1.2004-31.12.2004).

4.   Discharged, with 36,079,437 on a total of 36,084,437 shares (99.99%) the BoD's members and of the Auditors from any liability of compensation for the Financial Statements and for the management of the Third (3rd) Fiscal Period (from 01/01/2003 until 31/12/2003).

5.   Approved with 36,513,437 votes, (100%), the fees of the BoD's members for the Third (3rd) Fiscal Period (from 01/01/2003 until 31/12/2003).

6.   Approved with 36,513,437 votes, (100%), the fees of the BoD's members employed by the company.

7.   Pre-approved with 36,513,437 votes, (100%), the fees of the BoD's members for the Fourth (4th) Fiscal period (from 01/01/2004 until 31/12/2004).

8.   Elected with 36,513,437 votes, (100%), the Ordinary and Substitute Auditors for the Fourth (4th) Fiscal Period (from 01/01/2004 until 31/12/2004) certified auditors Ernst & Young S.A. and their remuneration.

9.   Modified with 36,233,751on a total of 36,336,976 shares (99.72%) the Table of capital raised through the company's IPO, extending the completion of the new building in the year 2007.

10.  Pre-approved with 36,512,437 on a total of 36,513,437 shares (99.99%) the contracts concerning the acquisition by the Company of the shares of the company "SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT & CAPITAL MARKET SUPPORT S.A.".

11.  Approved with 36,513,437 votes, (100%), the election as Board members, that was undertaken by a decision of the Board of Directors, Mr. Nikolaos Beis, Vassilios Drougas, Antonios Kaminaris and Ioannis Pehlivanidis, in replacement of resigned members.

Following the closure of the vote, the Chairman, Mr Iakovos Georganas, announced the resignation of Mr Panayotis Alexakis from all posts he holds in the boards of directors of the HELEX group.

Mr Georganas mentioned that the board of directors and the shareholders general assembly of the company "Athens Exchange S.A." will decide on the person that will succeed Mr Alexakis till the end of the month.