18th Annual General Meeting - 30.05.2019
The 18th Annual General Meeting look place on Thursday 30 May 2019. Download:
- The Press Release:
- The Voiting Resuts:
- The Information Pack of the 18th AGM, which includes:
- The Invitation to the AGM
- The proposals of the BoD
- The ballot of the AGM
- The total number of shares and voting rights
- The draft decisions
- The remuneration of the members of the BoD for 2018, and the proposed remuneration for 2019 (items 4 & 5)
- The proposed Remuneration Policy. (item 6)
- The CVs of the BoD members proposed for election (item 8)
- The proposed, modified Articles of Association (items 11 & 12)
- The plenipotentiary document for appointing a proxy
- The minority rights (Law 4548/2018)