
Type of Announcement
Title Date
Response to HCMC request
Press Release - Prodea Investments: Profit of euro16.5mn in H1 2020
Update of Corporate Events Calendar 2020
PRODEA Investments invests euro16.9m in office buildings in Athens
PRODEA Investments press release : Signing of the concession agreement for the redevelopment and exploitation of Piraeus Tower
Prodea Investments - Press Release: Financial Statements 31.03.2020
Announcement regarding Dividend Distribution for the financial year 2019
Announcement Resolutions of Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting 13.04.2020
Announcement in relation to participation of the shareholders in the Ordinary General Meeting of 13.04.2020
Press Release
Proposal for dividend distribution ?0.613 per share for 2019
Invitation to the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders