
Type of Announcement
Title Date
PRODEA Investments: proceeds with the first investments funded by its green bond proceeds
Prodea Investments - Announcement of Regulated Information of Law 3556_2007
PRODEA Investments - Announcement for the Commencement of Trading of Bonds and Use of Proceeds - 20.07.2021
PRODEA Investments - Announcement of the Results of the Public Offer - 20.07.2021
PRODEA Investments - Announcement to the investment public of the final yield and interest rate of the bonds
Announcement - Invitation to Investors with range - Prodea Investments
Announcement regarding the potential target market - Prodea Investments
Announcement for the Availability of the Prospectus of the company - Prodea Investments
Announcement - Invitation to Investors - Prodea Investments
Announcement Resolutions of Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting 06.07.2021
Announcement regarding the issuance of a "Green" Common Bond Loan
Announcement regarding the appointment of Investment Committee members