The Athens Exchange Group, as an institutional pillar of the Greek capital market and with a view to protecting investors and its members, has established specific certification criteria for participants in the trading system. Our certifications do not expire however they do require you to have an active Certificate of the Capital Market Commission.
Start your career today as:
- Securities Dealer in a Member of the Athens Exchange Securities Market with a Securities Dealer Certificate (SDC); or
- Certified Derivatives Dealer in a Member of the Athens Exchange Derivatives Market with a Certificate of Derivatives Dealer (CDD)
Certification Categories
According to the Operating Regulations, members of the Athens Exchange Group who have or intend to gain access to the Trading System, such as securities and derivatives traders, are required to hold the status of Certified Trader, as well as the relevant certifications according to their area of specialization, such as Securities Trader (SDD) and Derivatives Trader (DR). The examinations and certifications offered by ATHEX cover extensively and on a practical and theoretical level all the required requirements of the market regulations and trading in the Stock Market.

In order to access the Depository and Settlement System (DSS), participants must obtain certification as a Certified Settlement Agent (CSA). This certification, which is governed by ATHEXCSD Resolution 2, ensures that the persons responsible for settlement procedures have the necessary knowledge and competence. The examinations cover the technical conditions and procedures related to settlement activities and participants must meet specific eligibility criteria, including age requirements and the possession of relevant certificates issued by regulatory bodies. These distinct categories of the Athens Exchange Group examinations cover the different roles and responsibilities within the financial ecosystem, highlighting the importance of expertise and adherence to regulatory standards in areas such as clearing, trading and settlement.

For access to the Clearing System, Clearing Members must employ Certified Clearing Agents, holders of certificates such as Securities Clearing Agent (SCA) and Derivatives Clearing Agent (DER). These certifications include comprehensive examinations on regulations, securities systems, derivatives and other critical aspects. The rigorous process ensures that Certified Clearing Agents maintain knowledgeable competence, ensuring compliance with the Regulations and the Resolutions of the Board of Directors of the ETEK.