PAPOUTSANIS SA (the “Company”) announces that in accordance with the decision of the Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders on April 17th, 2024, the dividend for the year 2023 was set at 1.076.009,68 € as total gross amount and  € 0,04 per share as gross amount (the total gross amount to be distributed per share was calculated after deducting the own shares held by the Company after the invitation of General Assembly). Since the own shares are exempt from dividend payment, the final amount of the dividend to be paid per share is 0,0400075255 increased by the amount of the dividend corresponding to the own shares acquired by the Company from the date of the invitation of the Ordinary General Assembly.

 Tax will be withheld at the distributed dividend at a rate of 5% according to articles 61, 62 and 64 of L.4172/2013, thus the net dividend payable will amount to € 0,038 per share.

The cut-off date from which the shares will be traded without the right to receive a dividend is set at 19th April 2024.

Beneficiaries in the payment of dividend will be the shareholders who will be registered in the files of Dematerialised Securities System on April 22nd, 2024 (Record Date). 

According to the above, the inception date of the dividend payment to the beneficiaries will be May 25th April 2024.

The payment of the dividend will be made by the payer bank ALPHA BANK, through the operators of the securities accounts in the DDS as follows: 

1. Through the participants of the beneficiaries in the DDS (Banks and Stock exchanges companies), in accordance with the ATHEXCSD Regulation and the relevant decisions.

2. Especially in the cases of dividend payment to heirs of deceased beneficiaries whose titles are kept in the Special Account of their share in DDS, under the management of ATHEXCSD, the dividend payment process will be carried out after the completion of the legalization of the heirs. In addition, in case the beneficiary holds the titles in investment services firm under liquidation or in a special temporary transfer account, will be paid through the branch network of the paying bank.

The dividend payment process through ALPHA BANK's network will be valid for one (1) year from payment date (ie 25th April 2025).

 It is reminded that dividends for the year 2023 which will not be collected until December 31st, 2029, are barred in favor of the Greek State.

 For any information shareholders can contact the Shareholders Department of the Company, ph. +30 2262085000.


Vathi Avlidos, 17/04/2024

The Board of Directors