Announcement for the payment of the interim dividend for the financial year 2024

Announcement for the payment of the interim dividend for the financial year 2024


PAPOUTSANIS S.A. (hereinafter the "Company"), announces that by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company dated 23.10.2024, the Board of Directors of the Company it was decided to distribute an interim dividend for the financial year 2024 in the total amount of EUR 806.069,88. The sum of the interim dividend to be finally paid increased by the dividend corresponding to the 229,598 own shares held by the Company on 23 October 2024, is set at a final sum of 0.03 per share

The distributed dividend will be subject to withholding tax at a rate of 5% in accordance with articles 61, 62 and 64 of Law 4172/2013, and therefore the net dividend payable amounts to EUR 0,0285 per share.

The cut-off date from which the shares will be traded without the right to receive an interim dividend is 11.11.2024 (Cut-off Date).

The beneficiaries of the interim dividend payment will be the shareholders registered in the records of the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) on 12.11.2024 (Record Date).

In accordance with the above, the starting date for payment of the interim dividend to the beneficiaries shall be 15.11.2024.

The payment of the interim dividend will be made by the paying bank ALPHA BANK through the operators of the securities accounts in the S.A.T., as follows:

1. Through the Participants of the beneficiaries of the DSS (Banks and Investment Firms), in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Central Securities Depository, and the relevant decisions of ATHEXCSD.

2. Specifically in cases of payment of dividends to heirs of deceased beneficiaries whose securities are held in the Special Account of their Share in the DSS, under the management of ATHEXCSD, the payment process for the interim dividend shall be carried out after the completion of the legalization of the heirs.

 The dividend payment procedure through the ALPHA BANK network will be valid for one (1) year from the date of payment (i.e. until 15.11.2025).

 The Company will make a further announcement regarding the exact final amount of the interim dividend that will be paid per share including the premium that will correspond to the treasury shares held at the date of the accrual of the right to receive the interim dividend.


It is reminded that amounts of interim dividends for the financial year 2024 that will not be collected by 31 December 2029 are subject to a statute of limitations in favor of the Greek State.

 For any information, shareholders may contact our Shareholders' Department, tel. 2262085000.