Payment of Dividend Remainder for the Fiscal Year 2023

MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. hereby announces that the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of Company shareholders dated June 19th, 2024 approved the distribution of an aggregate dividend amount of Euro 1.80 per share for the fiscal year 2023. It is reminded that on December 22nd, 2023 the Company paid an interim dividend of Euro 0.40 per share as advance payment for the year 2023 dividend. As a result, the remainder amount of dividend for the year 2023 equals Euro 1.40 per share. It is noted that the dividend remainder amount per share for the fiscal year 2023 will be increased proportionally with the amount of dividend corresponding to the Company's treasury stock (2,503,598 shares). The latter shares are not entitled to the dividend remainder. Subsequently, the gross amount of dividend remainder for the fiscal year 2023 equals Euro 1.432370310 per share. The dividend remainder amount is subject to a 5% tax imposed on dividends (that is Euro 0.071618516 per share) pursuant to articles 40 and 64 of the Law 4172/2013 (Government Gazette A' 167/ 23.07.2013) as amended with the Law 4646/2019, article 24 (Government Gazette A' 201/ 12.12.2019). As a result, the net payable amount will be Euro 1.360751795 per share. Company shareholders registered in the electronic files of the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) dated Thursday June 27th, 2024 (record date) for MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. are entitled to the dividend remainder amount. As of Wednesday June 26th, 2024, the shares will trade ex-dividend remainder for the fiscal year 2023.

The payment of the dividend remainder for the fiscal year 2023 to the shareholders will be effected through the payee bank – BANK OF PIRAEUS S.A. – on Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 as follows:

  1. Through the participants in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) i.e. Banks and Brokerage/Securities Companies, according to the provisions of the DSS Operation Regulation of the Hellenic Central Securities Depository (ATHEXCSD).
  2. Especially in cases of payment of the dividend remainder to the legal heirs of deceased entitled shareholders, whose securities are kept in the Special Account of their S.A.T. ID in the DSS under ATHEXCSD custody, the disbursement process will be facilitated, following completion of the inheritance procedural steps, through any branch of PIRAEUS BANK network over a period of time until 31st December 2029.

It is clarified that according to the current applicable legislation the right for the collection of the dividend remainder amount expires on completion of a five year period from the end of the fiscal year in which this right was created (i.e. for the said dividend remainder of fiscal year 2023 of the Company the right for its collection expires on 31-12-2029) and following such time bar the uncollected amounts will irrevocably be reimbursed to the Hellenic State.

For any further information shareholders may contact the shareholders' Office of the Company at +30 210 809 4194 (Mr Ioannis Dimakis), +30 210 809 4204 (Mr Symeon Lymperakis) and +30 210 809 4187 (Mrs Dimitra Kalliontzaki).


Maroussi, 19 June 2024

The Board of Directors