Announcement regarding the Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders
At the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company which was held on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 16.00, at the Company's registered offices (located 9, Kyprou and Hydras street, in Moschato, Attica), attended in conformity with the Law 917 shareholders, representing 109.624.441 common registered shares of the total 136,059,759 common registered shares, equal to a percentage of 80,57% of the Company's fully paid-up share capital.
The shareholders discussed and adopted the following resolution regarding the following item of the agenda:
1. Establishment of a Share Buyback Program in accordance with article 49 of law 4548/2018 and authorization to the Board of Directors for its implementation.
Shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 108.458.973 shares voted in favour or percentage 98,94% of the represented shares and votes, shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 1.146.760 voted against, or percentage 1,05% of the represented shares and votes while abstention reached the percentage of 0,02%, i.e. shareholders or shareholders' representatives representing in total 18.708 shares declared abstention from voting.