Release of regulated information (l. 3556/2007 and Regulation 596/2014)

Release of regulated information (l. 3556/2007 and Regulation 596/2014)


Athens, 22.05.2024


MYTILINEOS S.A. (the “Company”), according to the provisions of law 3556/2007 and Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on market abuse (Regulation 596/2014), as in force, announces on the basis of the relevant notification received on 22.05.2024, that on the same date (i.e. 22.05.2024), each of the entities KILTEO LTD and FREZIA LTD, that are controlled (through the chain of controlled entities) by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO of the Company, Mr. Evangelos Mytilineos, sold 3,600,000 common registered shares with voting rights issued by the Company (at a price of 35.50 Euro per share) to institutional investors. The transaction took place on the basis of pre-agreed trades through the Athens Exchange, and its total value amounts to 255,600,000 Euro.

As a result of the above sale of the CompanyΆs shares, KILTEO LTD owns now 15,118,330 common registered shares with voting rights (corresponding to a percentage of 10.580% of the total voting rights of the Company), while FREZIA LTD owns now 15,601,219 common registered shares with voting rights (corresponding to a percentage of 10.918% of the total voting rights of the Company).

Following this, EMERGIA HOLDINGS LTD, that prior to the above transaction controlled indirectly (through the chain of controlled entities of ROCALDO LTD, that controls (100%) KILTEO LTD and FREZIA LTD) 37,919,549 common registered shares with voting rights (i.e. a percentage of 26.537% of the total voting rights of the Company), now controls indirectly (through the above chain of controlled entities) 30,719,549 common registered shares with voting rights of the Company (corresponding to a percentage of 21.498% of the total voting rights of the Company).

Therefore, Mr. Evangelos Mytilineos now controls indirectly (through the chain of controlled entities EMERGIA HOLDINGS LTD, ROCALDO LTD, KILTEO LTD and FREZIA LTD) 30,719,549 common registered shares with voting rights of the Company (i.e. a percentage of 21.498% of its total voting rights) and directly, as a natural person, 44,613 common registered shares with voting rights of the Company (representing a percentage of 0.0312% of its total voting rights). Mr. Evangelos Mytilineos controls (directly and indirectly) in total 30,764,162 common registered shares with voting rights of the Company (i.e. a percentage of 21.529% of its total voting rights).

The above entities, EMERGIA HOLDINGS LTD, ROCALDO LTD, KILTEO LTD and FREZIA LTD are persons closely associated, within the meaning of article 3 par. 1 (26) of Regulation 596/2014, with Mr. Evangelos Mytilineos, who controls them, as well as with the director of the Company, Mr. Fotios Spyrakos, who is appointed as their director. However, there is no change in the total number of the CompanyΆs voting rights controlled by Mr. Fotios Spyrakos.