Announcement of business developments

MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. hereinafter the "Company" hereby announces that it has initiated negotiations with the company ELLAKTOR S.A. for the acquisition either directly or through a subsidiary of all the shares that ELLAKTOR S.A. holds in the company under the name "HELECTOR Societe Anonyme of Energy and Environmental Applications" hereinafter the "HELECTOR" corresponding to 94.44% of the issued and paid – up share capital and voting rights of the Company. To this end, the Company submitted today its conditional offer, for a total consideration of Euro 114.7 million. The signing of the transaction is subject to the finalization of the sale–purchase agreement (SPA) under mutually agreed terms in relation to the above-mentioned shares as well as the granting of the approvals by the corporate bodies of the two parties.


MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. will update the public in relation to the developments of the transaction with subsequent announcements.


The said public announcement takes place in accordance with article 17 of the Regulation (EU) 596/2016 and the regulations of the Rules of the Athens Stock Exchange.


Maroussi, 22 May 2024

The Board of Directors