Performance: Invitation to the regular General Meeting on Tuesday 11/6/2024
Performance Technologies SA invites its shareholders to the 27th regular General Meeting on Tuesday, 11/6/2024, at 15:00 at Plexi Space, 39 Iera Odos, Athens.*
Otherwise, shareholders can watch and vote remotely via Zoom after sending their information (name and phone) to by Friday, 7/6/2024.
The agenda items are as follows:
- Submission and approval of the Annual Financial Statements of the Company and the Group for the 27th financial year (January 1 – December 31, 2023), the Reports of the Board of Directors, and the Certified Auditor.
- Approval of distribution of profits of the 27th financial year (January 1 – December 31, 2023), distribution of dividends, formation of regular reserve, and formation of intra-group dividend reserve.
- Approval of the overall management of the Board of Directors (article 108, Law 4548/2018) and exemption of the Certified Auditor from any responsibility for compensation for the deeds of the 27th financial year (January 1 – December 31, 2023).
- Approval of compensation to the members of the Board of Directors during the 27th financial year (January 1 – December 31, 2023) and pre-approval of compensation for the current financial year (January 1 – December 31, 2024).
- Election of a regular and substitute certified auditor for the year 2024 and the issuance of an annual tax certificate.
- Approval of appointment of the new member of the Audit Committee to replace a resigned one.
- Amendment of the existing program of free share distribution, as voted by the General Meeting of 9/9/2021 and extended by the decision of the extraordinary General Meeting of 31/1/2024, to members of the Board of Directors and the Company's staff for a period up to 5 years, with the issuance of new shares from the capitalization of reserves. Αuthorization to the Board of Directors for the program's specialization.
- Establishing a program of free share distribution to the CEO lasting up to 5 years, combining share distribution from buyback and the issuance of new shares from the capitalization of reserves, and providing authorization to the Board of Directors to specialize the program.
- Permission to the members of the Board of Directors to participate in companies with similar purposes by Article 98 paragraph 1 of Law 4548/2018.
- Miscellaneous Notices.
The proposals of the Board of Directors - Draft decisions of the General Meeting will be posted on the Athens Stock Exchange's and the Company's websites on Friday, May 31, 2024.
*Upon your arrival at the site, please show your Police Identity Card to the company staff.