«Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A.» («ThPA S.A.») informs the investing public that during the session of the relevant body of the Hellenic Parliament on 19.09.2024, it was accepted by the majority, in principle, of the articles and in the whole, the draft law of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy entitled, «Ratification of the May 24th, 2024, Agreement Amendment of the February 2nd, 2018, "Concession Agreement regarding the use and exploitation of certain areas and assets within the Port of Thessaloniki", between the Greek State and "Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A.".»

Under the May 24th, 2024 Amendment Agreement of the February 2, 2018 "Concession Agreement", between the Hellenic State and ThPA S.A.:

a) the first investment period within which the initial mandatory investments must have been completed, is extended until 22.03.2030,

(b) the date, after which THPA S.A. will be obliged to achieve annual targets of handling conventional cargo volumes, is carried forward by five years, and,

(c) the individual periods during which the various cargo handling targets must be achieved, are carried forward by five years.