Payment of Dividend from profits from the fiscal year 2023 and payment of Dividend of retained earnings of previous fiscal years

Intercontinental International REIC (hereinafter the «Company») announces pursuant to subchapter 4.1.1 par. 4 of the Regulation of the Athens Stock Exchange that the Annual (Ordinary) General Assembly of the Shareholders dated 14.6.2024 has resolved upon the distribution of dividends of 0.43 euro per share (net amount adjusted with the number of own shares held by the company) from profits from the fiscal year 2023, as well as payment of dividends of retained earnings of previous fiscal years of 1,78 euro per share (net amount adjusted with the number of own shares held by the company). As of Tuesday, 25th of June 2024, the Company's shares will be traded on the Athens Stock Exchange without the right to dividend (cut-off date in respect of the right in the dividend). Beneficiaries of the dividend are those registered in the archives of the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) as managed by the Central Securities Depository SA, on Wednesday, June 26th 2024 ("record date"). As of Friday, June 28th, 2024, the dividend shall be paid-up by the credit institution under the name “OPTIMA BANK SA” as follows:

  1. Through the operators of the Greek Dematerialized Securities System (DSS/SAT) according to the Operating Regulation of ATHEXCSD and the relevant decisions
  2. Especially in cases of dividend payment for successors of beneficiaries who have deceased, who's shares are kept on the Special Account of the Athens Stock Exchange, under the operation of ATHEXCSD, the procedure of payment of the dividend will take place following the legalization of the successors through the network of OPTIMA BANK SA within five (5) years of the payment date. Dividends not collected within five (5) years are being held in favor of the Public State. According to Art.31 l.2778/1999, as in force, the dividends of REIC are exempt from tax.

For further information, the Shareholders are kindly requested to communicate with the Money Fund Department of the “OPTIMA BANK SA” at the telephone number 210-8173540 (or at the number +30 210 8173000).