Announcement of Regulated information based on Law 3556/2007 - Call Option Exercise

Announcement of Regulated information based on Law 3556/2007

Call Option Exercise


The company ELLAKTOR S.A. informs the notification, received on July 1st, 2024, regarding the exercise of a call option by the shareholder REGGEBORGH INVEST B.V., as follows:

«Dear Sirs,

With reference to the Call Option for 26,000,000 ordinary registered voting shares in Ellaktor S.A. (“the Issuer”) granted by Motor Oil (Hellas) Corinth Refineries S.A. (“MOH”) to Reggeborgh Invest B.V. (“Reggeborgh”) and duly notified to the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (“HCMC”) and the Issuer on 16 May 2022 and 5 April 2023 (reduction of the original number of 52,000,000 Call Option shares to 26,000,000), please kindly allow us to inform you of the following:

(i) That following an agreement between MOH and Reggeborgh dated 27 June 2024 the existing Call Option for 26,000,000 shares in the Issuer (7.4671% of the total shares and voting rights of the Issuer) may be exercised either all at once or in more than one tranches, all other conditions relating to the Call Option remaining unaffected.

(ii) That Reggeborgh sent MOH on 28 June 2024 a Call Option Exercise notice giving them a notice of its intention to partially exercise it and acquire 10,400,000 of the Call Option Shares (2.987% of the Issuer's share capital and voting rights) at the Pre-Agreed Price of €1.75 per Share (the “Call Option Consideration”).

The completion of the transaction shall take place not later than the fifteenth (15th) business day from the above notice by Reggeborgh (the “Call Option Completion Date”).

At this point, Reggeborgh holds 157,272,350 shares / voting rights in the Issuer (45.168% of the total) and has a call option for 26,000,000 shares / voting rights (7.4675% of the total) exercisable between 06.05.2022 and 06.05.2025, as per our latest announcement of 28 February 2024.

After the completion of the transaction referred to under (ii) above, Reggeborgh will hold 167,672,350 shares / voting rights in the Issuer (48.155%) and a call option for 15,600,000 shares / voting rights (4.48% of the total).

Following completion of the transaction, allow us to revert to you, accordingly.

We remain at your disposal for any further clarification».


Kifissia, 02.07.2024

Call Option Exercise