Annual General Meeting Resolutions
The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders, which was held on 22.5.2012, in Athens, at the hotel HILTON, was lawfully attended by 16 shareholders representing 30.675.006 common registered shares of a total of 44.257.000 common registered shares and there was a 69,31% quorum of the paid-up Company Share Capital. The Meeting discussed and took decisions on all items of the agenda, as follows:
1. ApprovaloftheannualFinancialStatementsfor the fiscal year starting on January 1st, 2011 and ending December 31st, 2011, along with the Board of Directors' Report and the Auditors' Report.
The Company's Financial Statements for the fiscal year starting on January 1st, 2011 and ending December 31st, 2011 along with the Board of Directors and the Auditors' Reports were approved.
30.675.006 |
shares |
(100,00%) |
0 |
shares |
(0,00%) |
0 |
shares |
(0,00%) |
2. ReleaseoftheMembersoftheBoardofDirectorsandoftheAuditorsfromany responsibility for the fiscal year starting on January 1st, 2011 and ending December 31st, 2011.
The members of the Board of Directors and the Auditors were released from any liability for compensation for the fiscal year starting on January 1st, 2011 and ending December 31st, 2011.
30.616.396 |
shares |
(99,81%) |
58.610 |
shares |
(0,19%) |
0 |
shares |
(0,00%) |
3. ElectionofAuditors for the fiscal year starting on January 1st, 2012 and ending December 31st, 2012 and determination of their remuneration.
Appointed to carry out the audit for the fiscal starting January 1st, 2012 and ending December 31st, 2012 was the Audit Company “PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERSS.A.” . Its remuneration for 2012 was approved at a total amount of euro 110.000,00.
30.616.396 |
shares |
(99,81%) |
0 |
shares |
(0,00%) |
58.610 |
shares |
(0,19%) |
4. Approval of contracts and remunerations of Members of the Board of Directors according to articles 23a and 24 of Codified Law 2190/1920.
The remuneration of the Board of Directors (articles 23a and 24 of C.L. 2190/1920) was approved as follows:
Fiscal year 2011
- Remuneration of Executive Board Members, for a total amount of euro 626.600,00.
- Remuneration of Board Member for the participation in Meetings, for a total amount of euro 90.000,00
Fiscal year 2012
Total remunerations corresponding to the remunerations paid in fiscal year 2011 and in accordance with the annual budget of the Company.
30.595.447 |
shares |
(99,741%) |
20.305 |
shares |
(0,07%) |
59.254 |
shares |
(0,19%) |