Today, April 26th, 2012 at 10:00am, AS Company S.A. conducted its General Annual Meeting of the shareholders for fiscal year 2011, at the company's headquarters in Oreokastro, Thessaloniki, 2klm. Palais Simmaxikis Odou, Diastavrosi Pros Oreokastro. The General Meeting was represented by a total of 7 shareholders holding 15.768.704 shares which represent 72,08% of the total shares of its capital stock, and agreed unanimously the following:
1. The approval of Financial Statements for year ended 31.12.2011, and the corresponding statements by the Board of Directors and External Auditors.
Valid Votes – 15.768.704, Percentage of total shares – 72,08%, Approved: 15.768.704, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
2. No dividend payout for fiscal year 2011 with a majority vote of 71.62%
Valid Votes – 15.768.704, Percentage of total shares – 72,08%, Approved: 15.668.704, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 100.000
3. The acquittance of the Board of Directors and the External Auditors from every responsibility relating to transactions for the year 2011.
Valid Votes – 15.768.704, Percentage of total shares – 72,08%, Approved: 15.768.704, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
4. The election of External Auditors for the year 2012, represented by "Baker Tilly Hellas S.A.", regular auditor Mr. Ioanni B. Kalogeropoulou (A.M.S.O.E.L 10741) and second auditor Mrs. Panagiotia Κ. Maravelea (A.M.S.O.E.L 18091), and their compensation.
Valid Votes – 15.768.704, Percentage of total shares – 72,08%, Approved: 15.768.704, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
5. The approval of the compensation that the Board of Directors received for the year 2011 and the pre-authorization of the 2012 compensation of the Board of Directors.
Valid Votes – 15.768.704, Percentage of total shares – 72,08%, Approved: 15.668.704, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 100.000
6. Election of new Board of Directors due to end of term of the existing Board of Directors, the new Board is composed of the following members:
- Efstratios Andreadis, President and C.E.O. – Executive Member
- Anastasia Andreadou, Vice President – Executive Member
- Konstantinos Andreadis, Member of the Board - Executive Member
- Petros Iakovou, Member of the Board – Independent Non-Executive Member
- Morfis Vasilakeris, Member of the Board – Non-Executive Member
- Theofilos Mexteridis, Member of the Board – Non-Executive Member
The term of the newly elected Board of Directors begins from today and ends on 26-04-2015, and end 26.04.2015, this date will be extended rightfully until the next general Assembly of year 2015 if the date is past 26.04.2015.
Valid Votes – 15.768.704, Percentage of total shares – 72,08%, Approved: 15.768.704, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0
7. The election of the Audit Committee member based on article37 of Law 3693/2008, which is composed of two (2) Non-executive member of the Board of Directors and one (1) independent non-executive member of the Board of Directors. The General Assembly due to the passing of Mr. Konstantinos Rizopoulos, President of the Audit Committee nominates and elects Petros Iakovou in his place.
Valid Votes – 15.768.704, Percentage of total shares – 72,08%, Approved: 15.768.704, Not Approved: 0, Abstinence: 0