Change of Financial Calendar for the year 2012

Change of Financial Calendar for the year 2012


Thessaloniki Port Authority sa announces changes of the financial calendar for the year 2012 in accordance with article of the Athens Exchange Rulebook:

   Annual General Shareholders Meeting Wednesday, 27 June 2012.

   Ex-dividend date Wednesday, 18 July 2012.

   Dividend beneficiaries "Record date" Friday, 20 July 2012 (in accordance with the new ATHEX rulebook, starting on 1.1.2009 corporate actions take place based on " record date" replacing the " trade date" rule. Based on the new rule, beneficiaries of the dividend are those investors who are registered in the DSS on the relevant "record date").


The dividend payment will start on Tuesday, 24 July 2012.

Dividend payment will be carried out through a credit institution.

The company will issue a newer announcement on the dividend payment procedure.