Extraordinary General Meeting of 3-9-2013
IKTINOS HELLAS S.A. announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on September 3, 2013 at the headquarters of the company ( Lykovryseos 7 Transformation Attica, 144 52 ) at 24:00 5 present or represented shareholders holding 20.095.347 shares in total 28,580,100 shares , which equates to 70.31 % of the share capital and taken the following decisions .
1. Approval of the share capital increase by capitalization of reserves and increasing the nominal value of the share. More specifically, capitalized reserve '' difference paid from share premium account '' , an amount of EUR 714,502.50 by increasing the nominal value of 0.025 per share, resulting in the company's share capital which stands at 11,432,040 , 00 euros divided into 28,580,100 ordinary shares with a nominal value of 0.40 euros , increased to EUR 12,146,542.50 , increasing the nominal value of the shares at 0.425 euros.
2. Approval of a reduction of capital by reducing the par value of the shares and proportionate return of capital to shareholders . More specifically, the reduction of share capital by the amount of 714,502.50 euro and distribution to shareholders in the ratio of 0.025 euros per share as it does not hurt the company's ability to satisfy its creditors as required by Article 4 of Law 2190/20 .
The carve-out will take place on Wednesday 18/09/2013 , beneficiaries will be the holders of the shares at the close of Friday 9/20/2013 and payment will take place on Thursday 09/26/2013 .
3. Approval of the amendment of Article 5 of the Statute . More specifically, amends Article 5 of the Statute and incorporated the amendment while new coding
[ ........ ] ) On 03.09.2013 the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders , the share capital of the Company increased by capitalization of reserves of the reserve difference paid from share premium account '' in amount of 714,502.50 euros , increasing the nominal value at 0.025 euros per share from 0.40 euros to 0,425 euros
and simultaneously reduce the share capital by an amount of EUR 714,502.50 by reducing the nominal value at 0.025 euros per share from EUR 0,425 to EUR 0.40 and Refund 0.025 per share to shareholders.
The company's share capital amounts to 11,432,040 ( 11,432,040.00 ) euro divided into 28,580,100 ( 28,580,100 ) common shares with par value of EUR 0.40 each.