Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of 27 June 2012
Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of 27 June 2012
Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A. announces that, the Annual General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders was held on 27 June 2012 at the Warehouse D', 1st Port Pier and was attended in conformity by 20 shareholders attending either in person or by proxy and representing 8.136.453 shares, i.e. 80,72% of the Company's paid-up share capital. The Meeting deliberated on the items of the Agenda and, after a voting procedure held as provided for by the law, resolved as follows:
- By 8.136.453 valid votes representing 80,72% of the paid-up share capital, the Meeting approved unanimously, i.e. by a majority 100%, represented shares and votes for Item 1 of the Agenda concerning the submission for approval of the Annual Financial Statements for the accounting period from 01.01.2011 to 31.12.2011, of the relevant Board of Directors' and Independent Auditor's reports.
- By 8.136.453 valid votes representing 80,72% of the paid-up share capital, the Meeting approved unanimously, i.e. by a majority of 100% represented shares and votes for Item 2 of the Agenda for the distribution of a dividend in the sum of €0.40 per share which, after deduction of tax at 25%, results in a net payable dividend per share of €0.3000. Ex date of the above dividend payment shall be 18 July 2012 and the procedure for payment of the dividend to the beneficiaries shall commence on 24 July 2012.
- By 8.136.453 valid votes representing 80,72% of the paid-up share capital, the Meeting approved, by a majority of 100% represented shares and votes for, Item 3 of the Agenda Company's Independent Auditors from any
liability for damages in connection with the management of the accounting period from 1.1.2011 to 31.12.2011.
4. By 8.136.453 valid votes representing 80,72% of the paid-up share capital, the Meeting approved, by a majority of 100% represented shares and votes, Item 4 of the Agenda concerning the assignment of the Company's regular audit for the current accounting period to the auditing firm ERNST & YOUNG (GREECE) CHARTERED AUDITORS – ACCOUNTANTS S.A. having its registered office in Athens, 11th kl.Athens–Lamianational road, 14451 Metamorfosi with Company ICPA Reg. No. 107.
5. By 8.136.453 valid votes representing 80,72% of the paid-up share capital, the Meeting approved by a majority of 8.130.486 represented shares and votes i.e. by a majority of 99,93% represented shares and votes, Item 5 of the Agenda concerning the approval of the fees paid to the Members of the Board of Directors for the accounting period from 01.01.2011 to 31.12.2011 and the pre-approval of their fees for the current accounting period.
6. Regarding Item 6 of the Agenda, the Chairman of the General Meeting informed the shareholders of the course of Company affairs. This was followed by the exchange of views between the Shareholders and the Chairman regarding the Company's results and prospects.