Resolutions of the Ordinary Shareholders General Meeting held on 29-6-2012
During the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders held on 29 June2012 inthe Headquarters of the Company (7 Lykovrisis str., Metamorfossis, 14452) at 12.00pm, in which 5 shareholders were present or represented by proxy, holders of 20.095.347 shares of the total 28,580,100, i.e. 70,31 % of the paid up share capital, the General Meeting took the following decisions:
1. Approval of the financial statements of the period 01/01/2011 – 31/12/2011 with the Annual Reports of the Board of Directors and the Auditors.
2. Approval of a total dividend for 2011 amounting to 0.020 Euro per share. 25% dividend tax will be applied on this dividend, according to the Article 14 of Law 3943/2011. So, the total paid amount in dividend per share, will reach to 0,015 Εuro. Beneficiaries of this dividend, according to the ATHEX Rule (record date), are those investors who are registered in the DSS on Wednesday 22 August 2012 (cut-off Monday 20 August 2012, before the start of the meeting). The payment of the dividend will be held on Tuesday 28 August 2012.
Also, the President proposes to distribute part of the reserve account of the issuance of shares premium amount of 1,429,005 Euro to the shareholders, representing 0.05 per share. This decision will be confirmed in an Extraordinary General Meeting, in accordance with the procedures of the Law 2190/1920. The distribution will be completed by 31/12/2012.
3. Discharge of the Board Members and Auditors from any liability for damages whatsoever for the financial year 2011.
4. Election of the Auditing Company Grant Thornton S.A. (SOEL NO E 127) for the audit of the fiscal year 01/01/2012 – 31/12/2012 and definition of their fees.
5. Permission, according to the article 23 par. 1 of the Law 2190/1920, to the Members of the Board of Directors to participate in the Board of Directors or in the management of other companies with competitive or non-purposes.
6. Approval of remuneration for members of the Board of Directors and senior executives for the financial year 2011 and preliminary approval of remuneration for the 2012.