Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
The Company in accordance with the Athens Exchange Regulation announces that on Friday 22/6/2012, took place at its headquarters the Annual Regular General Meeting of shareholders of PPAS.A.
In the General Meeting were present 16 shareholders representing 20,651,077 shares out of 25.000.000 shares, or percentage 82.60% of issued share capital. The regular General Meeting after discussion took the following decisions:
- Approved the Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31/12/2011.
Number of common registered shares for which valid votes were cast: 20,651,077 (82.60% of the share capital).
Total valid votes: 20,651,077 For : 20,651,077 Against:0 Abstention: 0 votes
- Discharged the Members of the Board of Directors and the Auditors from any responsibility for indemnification for decisions taken within the 12th corporate year (1/1/2011 to 31/12/2011)
Number of common registered shares for which valid votes were cast: 20,651,077 (82.60% of the share capital).
Total valid votes: 20,651,077 For : 20,651,077 Against:0 Abstention: 0 votes
- Approved the distribution of the annual profits and a dividend of €0,01 per share for the corporate use of 2011 , which is subject to 25% withholding tax, according Law 3943/2011 and therefore the net final amount payable will be 0,0075 Euro per share. Dividend beneficiaries "Record date" was set for Tuesday August 14th, 2012. Ex-dividend date is on Friday, 10 August 2012. The dividend shall be paid on Tuesday 21 August 2012 by EFG EUROBANK Ergasias bank S.A.
Number of common registered shares for which valid votes were cast: 20,651,077 (82.60% of the share capital).
Total valid votes: 20,651,077 For : 20,651,077 Against:0 Abstention: 0 votes
- Elected the auditing firm P.K.F. EYROELEGKTIKI SA for the audit of the current year (1/1/ - 31/12/2012), with regular auditors Mr Vlachos Christos (SOEL MEMBER No: 38896) and Bekri Anastasia (SOEL MEMBER No:34051) and as their surrogate, Mr Alexandros Sfarnas (SOEL MEMBER No: 14841) and Mandridis Ioannis (SOEL MEMBER No: 11291) and also approved the auditing service fee.
Number of common registered shares for which valid votes were cast: 20,651,077 (82.60% of the share capital).
Total valid votes: 20,651,077 For : 20,651,077 Against:0 Abstention: 0 votes
- Approved the remunerations and compensations of the Board of Directors members for the year 2011, according to the article 24 paragraph 2 of Law 2190/1920, as it is in force and pre-approved the relevant remunerations-compensations for the year 2012.
Number of common registered shares for which valid votes were cast: 20,651,077 (82.60% of the share capital).
Total valid votes: 20,651,077 For : 20,651,077 Against:0 Abstention: 0 votes
- Approved the election of BoD members Petroulis Panayiotis, representative of shareholders and Deputy Ceo, replacing Mr Moustakis Nikolaos who had resigned.
Number of common registered shares for which valid votes were cast: 20,651,077 (82.60% of the share capital).
Total valid votes: 20,651,077 For : 20,651,077 Against:0 Abstention: 0 votes