Decisions of the Annual Regular General Assembly on June 29, 2012

On Friday, June 29 2012, the Annual Regular Assembly of the shareholders ofAthens Medical CenterS.A.took place, in which participated 11 stockholders holding 55.880.812 stocks and voting rights, equal to 64,426% of the Company's share capital. The General Assembly achieved the quorum required by the Law, in order to discuss and decide upon the issues of the agenda.


The General Assembly, with the above mentioned quorum, decided as following:

1. Approved (100,00% in favor) the annual Financial Report for the fiscal year 1/1/2011- 31/12/2011, which includes the Annual Financial Statements for the fiscal year 1/1/2011 - 31/12/2011 (Corporate and Consolidated), along with the Board of Director's and the Auditor's Report.

2. Decided (100,00% in favor) to release of the Board of Directors and the Auditor of any compensation liability for the Annual Financial Statements and for the actions in the fiscal year 01/01/2011-31/12/2011.

3. Approved (99,99% in favor and 0,01% abstention) the attendance and transportation expenses for the members of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2011

4. Approved (99,99% in favor and 0,01% abstention) the remuneration of the Auditor for the fiscal year 2011.

5. Decided (99,99% in favor and 0,01% abstention) the election of one regular and one deputy Auditor from the Auditor's Body for the regular and tax audit of the fiscal year 2012.

6. Decided (100,00% in favor) the election of the Members of the Audit Committee and the constitution of the Committee as a body, with the following composition:

a. Konstantinos Pampoukis, independent non - executive member of the Board of Directors, as Chairman, 

b. Vasileios Tountopoulos, independent non - executive member of the Board of Directors, as member

c. Nicolaos Koritsas, independent non - executive member of the Board of Directors, as member

7. Decided (100,00% in favor) for the appointment of Mr. Jochen Schmidt, independent member of the Board of Directors until now,  as merely non-executive Member of the Board of Directors.


For any further inquiry, shareholders can communicate with the Investors' Relations department (tel. no +30 – 201 6868454) during working hours.


The Board of Directors