Announcement in relation to business developments
LAMDA Development S.A. announces the acquisition of the International Broadcasting Center (IBC)
Following today's meeting of Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), LAMDA Development announces the acquisition of IBC for 90 years after a bid that was submitted for the tender.
LAMDA Development S.A. proceeded to bid, worth €81 million, remaining consistent to its development investment strategy focused on commercial and entertaining centers.
The CEO of LAMDA Development, Mr. Odysseas Athanasioustated the following: "We are excited with the outcome as LAMDA Development is the first company to win HRADF's tender concerning the exploitation of assets. The effective and full commercialization of the IBC will give added value to consumers and to the Golden Hall's existing commercial stores, will offer new job positions and will provide overall enhancement of the commercial activity in the area. We hope to the acceleration of the other tenders as well, which we believe that it will mark a new era for the economy and our country”.