Release for Half Year Financial Report 2012
Press Release
FLEXOPACK PLASTICS SA- Performance and Results of the First Semester of 2012
The financial performance and results of both the Company and the Group during the First Semester of 2012, compared with the same time and period in the previous year (First Semester of 2011) are summarized below, with the introductory remark that the note below this summarized apposition is particularly important for the proper and appropriate comparison of such results, in particular:
a) Consolidated Group turnover amounted to 26,642 million Euros, as compared to 24,184 million Euros and Company's turnover to 26,609 million Euros as compared to 24,025 million Euros, posting a percentage increase of 10,16% and 10,76% respectively.
b) Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) amounted at Group level to 3,551 million Euros as compared to 3,991 million Euros and at Company's level to 3,505 million Euros as compared to 3,989 million Euros, decreased by 11,02% and 12,13% respectively.
c) Earnings before taxes (EBT) amounted for the Group to 2,045 million Euros, as compared to 2,545 million Euros and for the Company to 2,024 million Euros as compared to 2,571 million Euros, decreased by 19,65% and 21,28% respectively.
d) Earnings After Taxes (EAT) amounted for the Group to 1,627 million Euros as compared to 2,041 million Euros and for the Company to 1,623 million Euros as compared to 2,066 million Euros, posting a decrease of 20,28% and 21,44% respectively.
e) Earnings After Taxes And Minority Interest (EATAM) amounted to 1,627 million Euros as compared to 2,041 million Euros of the respective period of 2011, ie. they were decreased by a percentage of 20,28%.
Note that on a comparable basis, the percentage decrease in Earnings After Taxes (EAT) at Group level amounted to 0,40% and at Company's level amounted to 2,20% since the account "Other operating income" of the First Semester of 2011 included exceptional and non-recurring income (compensation awarded to the Company in trial) amounted to 509 thousand Euros. Further, ignoring the abovementioned exceptional revenue, Group Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) as compared to the First Semester of 2011, are increased to 1,98% and Profits Before Taxes (EBT) are increased to 0,42%, while at Company's level EBITDA increase is amounted to 0,77% and Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) are decreased to 1,84%.
Finally note that Company during the First Semester of 2012 made exports in about 40 countries, which (exports) on 30/6/2012 amounted to a percentage of 74,29% on Company's turnover.