Issuance of Tax Certificate for the fiscal year 2011
Koropi 24 /8/2012
Issuance of Tax Certificate for the fiscal year 2011, in accordance with Article 82 par. 5 of Law 2238/1994.
“FLEXOPACK PLASTIC SA” (hereinafter "Company") in accordance with the provisions of paragraph of the Athens Exchange Market Regulation and Article 10 paragraph 1 of Law 3340/2005, informs the investment public that pursuant to the Company's special tax audit for the fiscal year 2011 that has been realized by its authorized auditors according to Law 2238/1994 art. 82 par. 5 and for both the Company and its related companies “INOVA PLASTICS SA” and “VLACHOU BROS SA” tax certificates were issued with conclusion without reservation.