Announcement pursuant to Law 3556/2007

The company FLEXOPACK ANONYMOUS COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS COMPANY announces pursuant to Law 3556/2007, in conjunction with article 11 of Decision 1/434/03.07.2007 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission and after relevant notification pursuant to Article 13 of Law 3340/2005, that Mr Stamatios Ginosatis, Vice President of the Board of Directors and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Company, on 28.12.2012 transferred, through an over the counter transaction, 300.000 common shares of the Company with voting rights, to its children Dimitrios Ginosatis and Spiridon  Ginosatis (150.000 shares in each thereof). Following the above Company's transfer, Mr Stamatios Ginosatis holds 3.419.866 common registered voting shares (representing 29,18% of total share capital and voting rights of the Company).